An IPRC is a committee made up of School and School Board personnel that makes decisions about the identification of your child as having special education needs or “an exceptionality”, the category of the exceptionality, and the appropriate classroom placement of your child.
What is the purpose of the IPRC?
The purpose of the IPR Committee is to . . .
Decide whether or not your child should be identified as exceptional;
Identify the area or areas of your child's exceptionality;
Decide on an appropriate classroom placement for your child; and
Review the identification and placement at least once each school year.
The IPRC can also discuss and recommend special education services, but this is not the main purpose of the IPRC.
Who will be at the Meetings of the IPR Committee?
The people at the meeting of the IPR Committee meeting may include:
yourself as parent or guardian, and as advocate for your child
the classroom teacher or teachers
special education teachers or school resource people
principals or vice-principals
School Board personnel, including Superintendents of Education, or School Board social workers, or psychologists
Any outside agencies that you feel will benefit from attending
When are IPRC meetings held at St. Thomas Aquinas?
Once a year a meeting of the committee must be held.
At St. Thomas Aquinas, we schedule our meetings in the spring to get ready for the next school year.
Resources for Families
Individual Education Plan (IEP) Information for Parents
Individual Placement Review Committee (IPRC) Guide for Parents