Welcome to the Student Services and Guidance page for St. Thomas Aquinas C.S.S.
This page has links to many of the needs we deal with in Student Services.
The primary point of collective contact between Guidance and students is through the Google Classroom for their grade, so all current students should be a member of their grade's Classroom. Information about appointments, course change windows, course selections, counselling, summer school, external opportunities, graduation and much more is relayed through their grade's Classroom.
If students are not already members,
they may join using this document, but they must be logged in to their school account.
Guidance appointments for current students are to be made using the "Book a Guidance Appointment" form in the CLASSWORK section in their Google Classroom for their grade. There is also a QR code for students to scan on the Guidance office door to make an appointment.
PARENTS can also make an appointment by having their student open the appointment form, and in the area where you say you want an appointment, include parent email/phone and any information about the reason for the appointment.