The Co-operative Education Program (co-op) at St. Thomas Aquinas allows students to earn credits by integrating course curriculum with learning at a work placement. Students in all pathways--apprenticeship, college, community living, university, workplace or exceptional --can participate.
The community around St. Thomas Aquinas is a growing one. Opportunities in the community are available for placements. We offer both in school and out of school CO-OP placements for our exceptional students. In school CO-OP placements are great preparation for the next step.

What are the benefits?
You learn about your strengths, interests, and special skills
It provides you with career exploration and planning
It can enhance and enrich your academic experience
It improves your employability skills
It can help you develop knowledge and skills through hands-on experience
It helps you develop maturity and self-confidence
You gain valuable work experience;
You can develop networking opportunities;
You earn high school credit